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Muckairn Handbell Ringers is a light hearted, friendly group who meet on Monday afternoons in the Church.  We practise ringing for an hour and a half each week, perfecting old favourite pieces and learning new Handbell works. Some of our group read music well, while others are beginners and that is what makes Handbell ringing so enjoyable and accessible to all.  We ring locally at various summer and Christmas events and we play at the request of other churches, care homes and Guild groups. We will also ring for weddings.  


If you would like to try your hand at the bells and join a relaxed, fun group, please contact Isabel Blyth on 01866 822319. We ring every Monday afternoon at 2.30pm to 3.30/3.45pm in the Church. 



Isabel Blyth

Phone: 01866 822319


Meeting time is Monday at 2pm in Muckairn Church

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